Clackamas River Martial Arts
25 years in Estacada
5 Tenets of Tae Kwon Do
Self Control
Indomitable Spirit

Lead Instructor 6th Dan
Master John Kirkpatrick

Assistant Instructor 4th Dan
Dianne Kirkpatrick

Interested in our school? You are always welcome to stop in and observe a class!
Rest in Peace Great Grandmaster Kim
It is with Great Sadness that we report that our Great Grandmaster Kim has passed on from this earth. A wonderful service was held on Saturday February 22nd and attended by many of his advanced degree students and teachers. GGM Kim touched us all in different ways and changed the paths of our lives for the better. Because of him we in turn have carried his spirit into the lives of many thousands of our students and their families. Let us never forget his inspiring example of Progress Peace and Love!
GM Kim was an instructor with the Korean National Police, and trained as a member of the Moo Duk Kwan under Sung Park. He immigrated to the US in 1971, founded Kim's United Tae Kwon-Karate Centers and joined the International Taekwondo Federation, and studied under Gen. Choi. In 1973 Gen. Choi attended the first annual Kim's Tae Kwon Do Championship Tournament in Portland, Oregon. GM Kim joined the US Army and later the Oregon Army National Guard, earning the rank of Colonel before retiring. GM Kim later broke away from the ITF at the urging of CK Kim, whom he viewed as one of his mentors, because of the growing influence of North Korea within the ITF. Grandmaster HS Kim was known for his flying kicks, and retained his impressive jumping abilities well beyond middle age. GM Kim personally oversaw the training and promotion of thousands of students during his long career as a TKD instructor. Health complications forced his retirement from actively running the federation he founded, and he named two men – Grand Masters Dwight Douglas Tesdal and David Knife as his titular replacements within Kim's United Tae Kwon-Karate, promoting both men from 8th Dan to 9th Dan before his retirement. Kim's Tae Kwon Do still hosts annual tournaments in the Portland, Oregon, Boise, Idaho, and Renton, Washington areas. Kim's United Tae Kwon-Karate Centers has over 50 member schools spread throughout the Pacific Northwest, and has had schools in Hawaii, Texas, and California. Besides being a long time practitioner of Tae Kwon Do, GM Kim also studied Sumo and Judo, holding a black belt in Judo.
Master Kim was also a Christian minister and his faith in God was paramount to him. I know he would appreciate that being acknowledged. He once wrote of how Christianity and Tae Kwon Do worked well together. He often had students visit his church (in later years the basement of his church became his dojang.) After church he would have us go into the kitchen to make sandwiches. We would then go downtown and seek out homeless to feed.
So many stories to remember of Master Kim...
We are open again!!!
After a 2 year "rest" we are ready to start kicking and punching
Like a butterfly that has been in a cocoon too long we will hatch and spring wings once again.
New classes will form when we see how many new students step forward and then how to schedule based on ages and when our instructors can be available.
A new option for Kung Fu and other Chinese martial arts is soon to be available.
Contact us asap and be the first of a new beginning for Estacada martial artists!
Black Belts
Woodstock Community Center
Color Belts
Friday September 2
Tae Kwon Karate
3503 N. Mississippi Portland
Next tournament scheduled for October at IRRC Center in Portland. More information to follow.

Wednesday 4:00
Saturday 9:00
more classes TBA

Assistant Instructor 3rd Dan
Reynaldo Mendoza
Estacada Community Center
200 Clubhouse Drive
Black Belt Promotions

Assistant Instructor 2nd Dan
Rafael Mendoza
Clackamas River Martial Arts - ITF Non Contact Style
Tae Kwon Do is the Korean name for the “art of kicking and punching”. This is the simplistic and superficial description for what is offered to students attending classes at the Estacada Community Center. If all a person wants is to become an accomplished fighter then they will not succeed in the program. Our goal is to bring the physical and mental aspects of the student together on their lifetime journey to higher enlightenment. Through rigorous physical training and strict adherence to a non-violent and respectful approach we grow in confidence and mental power while learning practical ways to defend ourselves if necessary. The confidence and mental strength gained transcends into our schoolwork, personal relationships, and career success.
Classes follow a consistent format that includes warming up exercises, performing hyungs or forms, kicking and hand techniques, and variations of sparring. The school is based on the ITF (International Tae Kwon Do Federation) model which is a non-contact approach. No pads or other protective equipment is necessary and students of all ages and physical capabilities can spar with each other. True power techniques are developed by using heavy bags, punching focus targets and breaking increasingly more challenging types of boards.
Head instructor is 6th Dan John Kirkpatrick who has been teaching Martial Arts in Estacada for 25 years. He is assisted by his wife 3rd Dans Michael Cantelle, Reynaldo Mendoza, and 2nd Dan Rafael Mendoza. All students are also expected to take on the role of teacher as they grow in skills and belt level, as we only truly learn something when we must teach it to someone else.
Classes currently meet Wednesday evenings at 4:00 and Saturdays at 9:00. We are affiliated with Tae Kwon Karate Center which has schools in Portland, Vancouver and Astoria. Tournaments, promotions and other activities are held with these schools.
Clackamas River Martial Arts is fortunate to have the resource of the Community Center for our school without it we certainly could not be able to continue to offer this program.
Please call 503-975-7119 for more information.
We close each class with the five tenets of Tae Kwon Do:
Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self Control and Indomitable Spirit.